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Alumni Resources

Stay in touch, update your contact information, request a transcript, and more.
Thanks for being part of the RBC Community!

Rosedale Associates are a group of alumni and friends of the college who go above and beyond in their financial partnership with our mission.

The 12x Club is a group of loyal investors in RBC that give monthly gifts of $10 or more.

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” – Romans 12:12

Thank you for joining us in prayer as we continue to seek God in better equipping Kingdom workers and God’s church.

Twice a year, we publish a newsletter highlighting RBC alumni from 1952 to the present. Read them here to see what your classmates are up to now!

Stay up to date on all things RBC!

Partner with us in preparing Kingdom workers by sharing about your experience or the vision of Rosedale Bible College.


Have questions about planned giving options through RBC? 

Accordion Content

Contact Information

Make sure we can get in touch with you with news and updates about Rosedale.

Old Address

New Address

Spouse’s Information

If you’re married, and your spouse is also a Rosedale alum, we’d love to update their information as well.

Life Updates

Use this box to let us know what’s happening in your life. Marriages, births, new jobs, accomplishments—whatever you’d like to share with the school and other alumni.

Accordion Content

For an official transcript, click here to access our vendor’s website. Official transcripts are $6.00.

For an unofficial transcript, click here to fill out a request form. Unofficial transcripts are free.


RBC Webstore



Talk to Us

New Programs Coming September 2020!

Rosedale School of Business and Leadership

Preparing kingdom workers to engage the marketplace with excellence and integrity.

Training in Ministry Distance Learning

An innovative approach to using distance learning tools to equip believers and churches for more effective ministry.

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