Planned Giving
Bequests and Wills
A Bequest is a gift through a will. The gift can consist of cash, personal property, real estate, securities, or life insurance.
Required Minimum Distribution
Maximize your generosity and minimize your taxes by giving to RBC directly from your IRA.
Real Estate
A gift of real estate is a unique way to maximize your giving and reduce taxes.
Donor Advised Fund
A donor advised fund (DAF) is a flexible and simple way to support RBC by making contributions to a fund then choosing where the money is distributed.
Gift Annuities
A Charitable Gift Annuity is a fund that provides fixed income for life while also giving to RBC.
Stocks and Bonds
Appreciated stocks and mutual fund shares can be significant gifts while offering tax benefits.
Life Insurance
Give to RBC through a life insurance policy by transferring ownership or naming RBC as a beneficiary.
Charitable Lead Trust
Give the earnings from a money making asset to RBC for a determined amount of time.
Charitable Remainder Unitrust
Receive an income from your real estate or securities while giving the rest away.
Have questions about starting your planned giving journey?
Contact our development office at 740-857-4051 or aaronmiller@rosedale.edu.