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Planned Giving

Bequests and Wills

A Bequest is a gift through a will. The gift can consist of cash, personal property, real estate, securities, or life insurance.

Required Minimum Distribution

Maximize your generosity and minimize your taxes by giving to RBC directly from your IRA.

Real Estate

A gift of real estate is a unique way to maximize your giving and reduce taxes.

Donor Advised Fund

A donor advised fund (DAF) is a flexible and simple way to support RBC by making contributions to a fund then choosing where the money is distributed.

Gift Annuities

A Charitable Gift Annuity is a fund that provides fixed income for life while also giving to RBC.

Stocks and Bonds

Appreciated stocks and mutual fund shares can be significant gifts while offering tax benefits.

Life Insurance

Give to RBC through a life insurance policy by transferring ownership or naming RBC as a beneficiary.

Charitable Lead Trust

Give the earnings from a money making asset to RBC for a determined amount of time.

Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Receive an income from your real estate or securities while giving the rest away.

Have questions about starting your planned giving journey?

Contact our development office at 740-857-4051 or

Bequests and Wills Information

A bequest is a gift through a will. The gift can consist of cash, personal property, real estate, securities, or life insurance. This is one of the most simple and flexible ways to leave a lasting gift for Rosedale Bible College.

Advantages of Giving Through Bequest

  • Your assets remain in your controls during your lifetime
  • It is flexible, allowing you to change your gift with changing life circumstances
  • Your gift is exempt from federal income tax, with no upper limit on estate tax deductions
  • You can direct your gift to impact what you are most passionate about with RBC

Options for Designating Your Bequest

  • A specific dollar amount
  • A percentage of your estate
  • Count RBC as an equal beneficiary of the estate
  • Give from what is left
  • Give specific assets, such as real estate

Designations of Your Bequest
You can leave direction as to where you want your gift to be used.

  • Unrestricted – this allows the leadership of RBC to determine where your gift can most effectively be used
  • Operations – here, your gift will go towards the annual budget needed to keep the school going
  • Scholarships – use your gift to allow RBC to be affordable for future students that need help financially
  • Specific campaigns – campus expansion and updates

How Can You Make a Bequest?
It is quite simple. Contact your financial advisor to make RBC a beneficiary of your will.

Please note that the information provided is not legal or tax advice.

Required Minimum Distribution Information


  • Retirement account owners who are 73 and older must withdraw a certain amount from their Individual Retirement Account (IRA) – a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD). 
  • Withdrawals from a traditional IRA account are typically taxed, but IRA assets that are given directly through a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) are not taxed.


  • Giving through a Charitable IRA Rollover is a simple and effective way to maximize your generosity (Kingdom Investment).
  • Because Rosedale Bible College is a qualified charity, your gift from your RMD will not be taxed, and RBC will receive the full amount of your IRA distribution designated for RBC.
  • Giving a QCD as part, or all, of your RMD reduces your taxable income.
  • It is an easy and flexible way to give. Your distributions can be modified and reflect the financial realities of your life as they change.

Rules and Guidelines

  • RMDs begin at age 73, and the initial RMD must be fulfilled by April 1 of the year after the owner turns 73.
  • A QCD can be up to $105,000 per year as a single person or $210,000 for a married couple with separate accounts.
  • Only IRA or Roth IRA accounts qualify for this.
  • Gifts must be made from the IRA Administrator directly to Rosedale Bible College.

How Can You Set Up Your RMD With RBC?
If you are feeling called to invest in the Kingdom through RBC in this way, contact your IRA Administrator and inform them of your intention.

Your administrator should mail the check to: Rosedale Bible College, 2270 Rosedale Road, Irwin, OH 43029-9501.

Your administrator should include your name and address and any specific designations for your gift.

Make sure to keep all documentation to ensure your RMD and QCD gift is accounted for properly

Estate Gift Through Your IRA

  • An estate gift from your IRA might be the best option for you to ensure the sufficiency of your funds during your retirement.
  • If this is the case, you may name RBC as the sole, joint, or contingent beneficiary of your retirement account.
  • This gift will not be subject to estate or income tax and RBC will inherit the totality of the designated funds.
  • If this is the best option for you, please let us know so we can make you a Legacy Associate, keeping you better involved and informed in what is happening at RBC.

Need Further Information?
If you have any questions about this, please contact Aaron Miller, Director of Development. Either call 740-857-4056 or email at

Thank you for considering investing in the vision and mission of Rosedale Bible College with your retirement assets.

Real Estate Information

A gift of real estate such as rental properties, farmland, vacation homes, undeveloped land, or commercial property is a unique way to maximize your giving and reduce taxes.

There are several options of how you can donate your real estate.

  • You can make it a donation of an outright gift.
  • You can also transfer your real estate to a charitable remainder trust to provide you with income for your lifetime.
  • A retained life estate gift allows you to give your home to RBC while still retaining the right to live in it for the rest of your life.

Advantages of Giving Real Estate

  • You will receive charitable contribution deductions
  • You will avoid lump sum capital gains tax
  • If part of a property is given, it will offset the capital gains tax on the remaining portion.

Donor Advised Fund Information


  • A donor advised fund (DAF) is a flexible and simple way to support RBC and your other favorite ministries
  • You make contributions to a fund through the Everence Foundation – or another foundation of your choice – you then choose where the money is distributed


  • You are in control of where your money is given as it continues to be invested responsibly
  • It is flexible, allowing you to easily modify your giving as needs arise
  • You receive charitable income tax deduction in the years of your gifts
  • Your children, or other executors, will be able to continue on your legacy of giving after you pass away

How Can You Set Up a Donor Advised Fund?
If you would like to set up a DAF, please contact Everence to work with you in creating Kingdom investments through generous giving and Godly use of the Lord’s money you have been entrusted with.

Life Insurance Information


  • You are able to give to Rosedale Bible College through life insurance. This can be done through
    • Naming RBC as a beneficiary
    • Transfering the ownership of a new or old policy to RBC
  • If you have a life insurance policy that you no longer need, due to a more financially stable situation, you are able to give a larger gift with little cost to you.


  • Allows you to give assets that are no longer needed
  • You receive tax deduction equal to the value of the policy
  • You can give a larger gift with little cost to you
  • This can free you up to give other parts of your estate to loved ones or ministries

How Can You Give Through Your Life Insurance?
If you are interested in learning more about your life insurance policies and how it can benefit RBC, please contact the development office.

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New Programs Coming September 2020!

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Preparing kingdom workers to engage the marketplace with excellence and integrity.

Training in Ministry Distance Learning

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