Preaching the Biblical Text

Free Online Class Resources

RBC is offering at no cost a podcast and other resources from the class VPS214 PREACHING THE BIBLICAL TEXT. This class, taught by Reuben Sairs, is for all persons who think preaching may be in their future, or are just starting out and want some basic training, but seasoned preachers can also find some useful content here. The material is free to be used however you see fit.

The class examines the preacher’s calling, relationship to the Bible and role in the congregation, and builds on those foundations to study how to develop and deliver sermons. Students will have critical listening assignments and will practice preaching as part of the class.

If you have questions or comments about this page or the course, please email us. Enjoy!

Open letter to podcast listeners

Note on Weeks Nine through Twelve:

Close to the end of the class, more time was spent on student presentations and discussing them. The workshop nature of this part of the class doesn’t lend itself to recording, or listening to recordings. We recorded only parts of classes in weeks nine-twelve: those that have more objective content.

In those weeks the class finishes Haddon Robinson’s textbook and several other class handouts. Those classes are recorded.

General Course Materials
Course Syllabus      Weekly Assignment      Weekly Assignment Form

NOTE: Some audio files prior to Class 8 have intermittent noises (or tiny skips where we deleted the noise!) caused by a faulty component we had difficulty tracing. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to listeners.

Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Class 1 Download        Class 1 Listen        Select Bibliography

Class 2 Download        Class 2 Listen

Class 3 Download        Class 3 Listen        Worley Handout        Inductive/Deductive    Craddock Interview  Select Bibliography

Class 4 Download        Class 4 Listen        Stott Handout       You May Not Like This      Preaching in the New Testament

Class 5 Download        Class 5 Listen

Class 11 Download      Class 11 Listen

Class 12 Download      Class 12 Listen

Class 13 Download      Class 13 Listen      Links to Articles

Class 14 Download      Class 14 Listen

Class 15 Download      Class 15 Listen

Class 16 Download      Class 16 Listen      Children’s Homilies      Preparation Tips
Edwards Handout      Sample Video

Class 19 Download      Class 19 Listen      Andragogy Video

Class 20 Download      Class 20 Listen      PowerPoint and Preaching

Relevant, Not Dumbed Down

Class 21 Download      Class 21 Listen

Class 23 Download      Class 23 Listen

Class 28 Download      Class 28 Listen

Rhetoric and Persuasion      The Homiletical Plot      Voice PowerPoint

Class 29 Download      Class 29 Listen

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