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Faculty & Staff

Dion Gingerich

Dion Gingerich

Certificate of Biblical Studies Rosedale Bible College; M.A. in Counseling, Providence Theological Seminary; M.A. in Theological Studies, Providence Theological Seminary
Course(s): Theology of Marriage & Human Sexuality; Revelation; Introduction to Counseling; Psalms; Jesus & the Ethics of the Kingdom
Dion grew up in Northern Indiana. He married his wife Krista and they are blessed with four children. They served together with Living Hope Native Ministries in Ontario, Canada as youth leaders at Sudbury First Nations Church where Dion was also on the pastoral team. While with Living Hope Native Ministries, he also was the director of the Akwachink Leadership Program leading students on canoe trips in the Canadian wilderness. They moved to Manitoba, Canada where Dion attended Providence Theological Seminary. At Providence, he studied counseling and psychotherapy but also fell in love with the study of Scripture and theology and he continued his education in systematic theology with a primary focus on the importance of the church as a community and how the early practices of the Anabaptists shaped their communities. While in Manitoba, Dion worked for a short time as a psychotherapist and was in leadership at his church. He has a passion for the church and for the importance of the formation of the community as God’s people. In his free time, Dion loves the slow and mindful process of woodworking using primarily vintage hand tools. He is excited to journey with students through their time at Rosedale as they allow themselves to be shaped and formed by the story of God.
Jeff Miller

Jeff Miller

B.A. University of Northwestern; M.Div. Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Course(s): Biblical Literature I; Hebrews; Biblical Literature II; Biblical Literature III; Preaching the Biblical Text
Jeff grew up in Iowa regularly attending a church. The direction of his life changed drastically at age 15 when he became a born-again follower of Jesus. At that point, he knew the Lord was calling him to devote his life to vocational ministry. So far, that calling has led him on a journey that included pursuing education in Biblical studies and ministry, living overseas to help train church planters, returning to the US to pastor, and now helping to prepare Kingdom workers at RBC. Since 2015, he is thrilled to be joined in ministry by Jessica, who is not only his wife but also best friend. Jeff is excited to be able to play a part in God’s mission by helping students to grow and preparing them to go. His aim is to make his classes as practical and spiritually enriching as possible so that the students leave RBC more mature in their faith in Jesus and better equipped to reach others with the good news about Jesus.
Jeremy Miller

Jeremy Miller

B.A., B.S. Sterling College; M.A. Malone University
Jeremy and his wife Sarah are originally from the plains of Kansas and have been blessed with four children. They spent nearly 12 years in northeastern Ohio where he pastored Mennonite Christian Assembly. They love Christ and His body and have been called to equip those in the Kingdom of God for more effective service to the King. They cut firewood, enjoy their Burnese Mountain Dog, and love helping with the Kansas wheat harvest in the summer. Jeremy was once a student at Rosedale then went on to get his Bachelor's from Sterling College and Master's from Malone University. Jeremy loves getting to know students and watching God’s Spirit transform their lives. Additionally, it's hard for him to imagine a better group of people to work with. "The camaraderie of staff and faculty is rich and rewarding and our students benefit from a unified group of people who enjoy each other."
Ken Miller

Ken Miller

Faculty; Financial Aid Director
B.M.E. The Ohio State University; M.S. The Ohio State University
Course(s): Introduction to Music Theory & Sight Singing; Business Mathematics; Worship Leadership; Chorale; Introduction to Humanities; College Algebra
Ken is our math and music expert. He received a Bachelor's in Music Education and Master's in Mathematics, both from Ohio State University. He is married to Jenny, and they have four adult children and a growing number of grandchildren. Outside of the classroom, Ken enjoys disc golf, chocolate, learning to play piano, and taking care of his chickens. As a math teacher, Ken loves the moments when the light comes on for students as he is explaining a difficult topic.
Matt Showalter

Matthew Showalter

Academic Dean; Faculty
Diploma, Rosedale Bible College; B.A. Eastern Mennonite University; M.A. Asbury Theological Seminary
Course(s): Public Speaking; Spiritual Formation: Disciplines of the Christian Life; Prison & Pastoral Epistles
Matt grew up as a missionary kid in the Middle East. In 1997, he married Colleen and they now have 5 children. Together they have served in a church planting role in the Middle East and in youth ministry. He taught High School Bible for 5 years before accepting an invitation to join the faculty at RBC. Today, Matt helps pastor at Agape Community Fellowship in Hilliard. Matt loves the community that develops on campus each year. "The discussions, prayer, encouragement, debates, growth and support that grow out of the shared desire to follow Jesus are what I look forward to the most as I teach here at RBC."
Phil Weber

Phil Weber

Diploma, Rosedale Bible College; B.A. Cedarville University; graduate studies, Asbury Theological Seminary; M.A. University of Mobile
Course(s): Principles of Biblical Interpretation; Genesis; History of Christianity I
With brief exceptions, Phil has been employed by non-profit missions or educational institutions since graduating from high school. A few sources for illustrations from his life include growing up in the South, doing prison ministry, farming, serving on church leadership teams, being the youngest member of a large family, and being a husband to Twila, father and grandfather. Phil's favorite moments as a teacher come when he sees the light of new understanding dawn on the face of a student, or when a student asks a question that shows deep insight or engagement with the Scripture.
Reuben Sairs.

Reuben Sairs

Faculty; Director of Library Services
B.S. Pennsylvania State University; M.A. University of Mobile; M.L.I.S. Kent State University
Course(s): Christian Apologetics; Hebrew; Introduction to Philosophy; Gospel of John; Introduction to World Religions
Reuben does not come from the Christianized subculture--his upbringing and its environment were secular. Although he's been in the Mennonite world for a long time, his formative years as a Christian were spent in other groups. That said, he is committed and tries to nurture an Anabaptist approach to faith. Before he went into ministry, the focus of his energies was in rock and folk music, where he had modest success and many great experiences. He is married to Vicki, and they have three grown sons. Reuben is currently on the pastoral team at London Christian Fellowship. Reuben loves teaching and believes strongly in education as a necessary part of growth in Christ. "It is the power of the classroom--the timeless human encounter of students who want to know and teachers who know the way to get them started that excites me most. Higher education is especially exciting because students are now at a stage when they have to process, sometimes disagree, analyze and learn to articulate ideas that drive the adult world. Even when it is messy, it can be wonderful, especially as you see a faith grow from childishness to maturity."
Rick Griest

Rick Griest

Director of Business & Leadership; Faculty
B.S & MBA: Franklin University in Organizational Leadership, Registered Corporate Coach through Worldwide Associate of Business Coaches (WABC)
Course(s): Business and the Kingdom of God; Leadership, Communication & Ethics
Rick worked in retail management for 10 years before starting a career with Honda of America Manufacturing. He Retired after 30 years of service. While there, he held various roles including working the assembly line, serving on staff support groups, and in Training and Development at the Department, Plant, and Corporate Levels. Rick has been married to Candy for 30 years, and they have two daughters. His hobbies include reading, playing golf and working out. Rick is passionate about discipleship and serving at Rosedale Bible College as the Director of Business & Leadership. He is excited to be involved in developing the curriculum, teaching, and networking with businesses and churches.

Not sure who to contact? 

Admissions and Programs: admissions@rosedale.edu

Financial Aid: tweber@rosedale.edu

Donations and Alumni Relations: jshowalter@rosedale.edu

Facility Rental: info@rosedale.edu


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