January 2025

After our first real snow several weeks ago, a handful of students decided to walk the RBC trail around the farm. Their 1.5-mile trek took them through snow drifts and icy winds leaving them feeling quite chilly but invigorated. Nearing the end of the trail, they stopped by our house, rang the doorbell, sang Feliz Navidad, and accepted our invitation to join Sarah and me for tea around a roaring fire. 

They asked about the progress of the new dorm and I told them of the generosity of God’s people and that we were close to having all the funds we needed. This prompted a rather lengthy and serious conversation about giving and what that looks like for 19-year-olds without much money. I was humbled by their honest searching for Jesus’ desires and the disciplined giving they were already practicing. 

What struck me in those students was the appreciation for those who have invested in them and their own desire to be the generous person to others. When they left, my heart was warmed by our students, RBC donors, and our Father in Heaven who arranged that conversation. 

May the Father’s grace be on your family today. 

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3 Responses

  1. What a blessing and a responsibility you at Rosedale have to embed GODS directions to so many young people. When I think of the thousands of once young people who were guided and taught by the Elmer Jantzi’s and the Willard Mayer’s. of Rosedale, and now you are carrying on that teaching and responsibility.Blessings to you all.

    1. Looking back grateful and striving forward is the goal. Appreciative of those who founded. The names mentioned are those of my spiritual fathers.

  2. My first introduction (that I paid attention to at least) to Ron Sider was in Jon Showalters “PJ&S” (Peace, Justice & Simplicity) class. The ideas weren’t new to me as they were conversations I had been hearing all my life and had already been engaging in but the class gave much depth, understanding, and dare I say”ammunition” 😜 to my beliefs. These conversations continued into my young adult years and of course then with my husband.
    My husband then as a Pastor of a small country church and seeing a need made a video curriculum based around church’s responses to poverty called Pov.ology—in which we had the privilege to interview Ron Sider. He then wrote a book with Herald Press, “Faithful in Small Things.” The students struggling with how to give to when one is a “poor” reminded me of the subtitle “How to Serve the Needy When You’re One of Them.” We have so much to give even when we are in need ourselves.
    Rosedale has a rich history of teaching generations about the beauty of simplicity and generosity!

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