December 2024

I am perpetually interested in social trends and how they impact God’s people. Last spring an article in the Atlantic reported that since 2003, adults spend 30% less time socializing with other adults face to face. For teenagers, the drop off is even more severe; they spend 45% less time hanging out face to face with their friends. The reasons are multifaceted, including overscheduling and technology, like social media, giving us an augmented sense of connection with others. 

This reality might elicit a shrug of the shoulders for many. However, it corresponds with a significant rise in loneliness across our country. 

This season, we celebrate the King who entered our world and lived among us. His gift to us was the gift of His Spirit that resides in us…with us. He is present. 

One of the great transformative treasures most RBC students discover in their time here is the gift of unstructured companionship. Many experience the gift of friendship in ways they did not know existed. Their souls are nourished by it. 

Companionship demands presence. Like Christ, this season there is opportunity for us to humbly appear in the lives of others. We and our children will be better for it.

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One Response

  1. should we think of Jesus. coming to us while we were aoart from him, even against him? If so then “presence like Christ” might point to our “unstructured companionship” with those outside the church.

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