Rosedale Bible College CARES Act and Reporting

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It has been our goal this school year to respond to the reality of COVID-19 in ways that reflect our commitment to the work and values of Christ’s kingdom. When we enacted the Sanctuary Plan in September, we felt good about what the plan offered our students while mitigating the risk of the virus.

We enjoyed our “sanctuary” for 11 weeks, but early last week we discovered our first cases of COVID-19 on campus and further testing revealed additional cases. We planned for this possibility at the start of the school year by hiring additional healthcare staff and setting aside campus housing for affected students. Those who tested positive are in quarantine and many of the students who tested negative have moved home to finish the fall semester online. Protocols are being followed and we are grateful that none of the cases appear to be sever.

Over Christmas break we will be evaluating modifications to the Sanctuary Plan to help prevent similar exposure as we look forward to Winter Term together. Thank you to those of you who pray for our students, staff, and faculty and the work that happens here at Rosedale Bible College.

Dear Families of Current Students, 

God has been gracious to us and we have been able to enjoy in-person classes on campus in a way that is unique among colleges and universities. While we have two staff members getting tested for COVID-19 as I write this letter, our student body has avoided acquiring the virus, so far. Praise God!

It is likely no secret to you that over the last several weeks, the number of COVID-19 cases in the US has risen dramatically. This is also true for the state of Ohio. Two days ago, the governor of Ohio warned that if cases continue to rise, colleges and universities in Ohio will be required to move all learning online. While we will send students home if forced to do so, we want to keep them on campus if at all possible. Additionally, if RBC were to experience a significant outbreak of the virus, our local health department has authority to mandate the closure of in-person classes on campus.

With these realities in mind, we have made the decision to ask students to stay on campus through the Thanksgiving holiday break. This is not a mandate; students are free to return home if they wish. However, if they choose to go home for Thanksgiving, we are asking them to finish the last two weeks of the semester online. We will live stream all classes to make this possible for our students. 

We understand it has been a long semester without the ability to travel home freely and you are likely very anxious to see your children! We don’t relish making these kinds of decisions but many of our students come from areas which are experiencing a particularly significant outbreak of the virus. It is unlikely that we could welcome back all students from Thanksgiving break without a positive COVID-19 test.

Our strongest argument to our local government officials to keep the RBC campus open is the fact that our students have not tested positive. If we can avoid bringing the virus to campus it will help us make the argument that we should be able to continue enjoying in-person classes. And so, we ask for your understanding and, if you are willing, your gentle encouragement for your son/daughter to stay on campus over the Thanksgiving holidays. 

We feel deeply honored to be a part of preparing your child for Kingdom work and we want to do all we can to see that continue to happen.

Grace and peace

Jeremy Miller

The Sanctuary Plan: 

It doesn’t take most first-year students very long to realize that God uses the RBC campus community to shape their lives in profound ways. Living with students, staff, and faculty who are collectively seeking God and the truth found in Him, creates a unique learning environment second to none. The challenge for us is to protect and nourish this Christ centered community learning environment in the midst of a world-wide pandemic.


To meet this challenge, we have developed the Sanctuary Plan. While this plan includes a variety of increased cleaning measures, ventilation updates, and food service adjustments, the plan’s guiding philosophy is to create a protected Sanctuary for our students, staff, and faculty here in Rosedale, Ohio.


There are two central pillars of this plan.

1. We will have access to immediate testing for our campus community. This will enable us to quickly discover and quarantine students, staff, or faculty if COVID-19 is contracted by anyone on campus.

2.  We will limit travel to and from campus. We will not be hosting the normal flow of guests that often visit us at RBC. Additionally, we will be limiting the travel of our student body.


We are called to train Kingdom workers and understand that this takes place best in community. Because of that, we plan to hold on-campus, in-person classes as long as it is feasible to do this in a safe, responsible way. Please see the Sanctuary Plan FAQ page below for answers to some frequently asked questions. For other questions and a more detailed articulation of the Sanctuary plan, please contact Matt Showalter at 


Sincerely, Jeremy Miller President

Sanctuary Plan FAQ

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One student tested positive on arrival at RBC and was quarantined until they were declared safe by medical professionals to enter the on-campus bubble.

In November 2020, two students and one staff member tested positive for COVID19. All were immediately quarantined, and students known to have been in contact with them were also quarantined.

RBC uses email and text messaging as the primary means of updating the campus community on issues related to COVID-19.

RBC’s mission is to train Kingdom workers in a Christ-centered community. Our mission is best carried out in-person and on-campus. We will plan to open according to previously announced dates and continue in-person classes unless required to move to an online format by the state.

RBC places a high priority on the safety and well-being of its students and staff. With that in mind, we  ask student to wear face masks/shields during discipleship groups and anytime that they are interacting with a faculty or staff member in a closed, indoor environment. During classtimes, students and instructors are separated by a plexiglass barrier, and students or instructors or both are required to wear masks.

Yes, RBC provides a facemask to each student and makes additional equipment and supplies freely available when necessary.

Yes.  RBC provided testing for all students on their arrival to campus. In cases where students have needed to temporarily leave the campus bubble, RBC has provided testing and distancing on the student’s return.

Because of our rural setting, the best way to deal with the threat of COVID-19 appears to be limiting our contact with the general public. With that in mind, we ask students to not leave campus unless they have express permission from the student life office. If a student is given permission to leave campus, they must submit to another COVID-19 test and distancing measures upon their arrival back on campus.

All activities (chapel, student activities, morning prayer, etc.) have been developed with considerations to allow social distancing, while maintaining a positive experience for student life.

Yes. RBC has hired extra cleaning personnel to sanitize and clean on a regular basis.

RBC has increased the presence of nursing care on campus. Two registered nurses with COVID-19 experience provide regular consultation, advice and basic medical care as needed.

If a student displays COVID symptoms, the student will immediately be tested and will self-quarantine until the results of the test are returned. If the test is negative, the student will remain in their quarantine space until the symptoms are gone.

We have reserved one of the halls in the women’s dorm as a quarantine zone for women. Five of the apartments are being reserved as quarantine space for the men. These areas will be utilized if any students test positive for COVID-19. We require a 10 day quarantine and two negative tests before the student may rejoin campus.

Yes. Classes are accessible online so that any student who must spend some time in quarantine can continue to take part in their classes.

Yes, all classes are being taught and contingency plans are being made to ensure that all classes will be taking place. 

No. For the time being, we are asking that visitors not visit campus. 

We certainly hope not! These types of restrictions will be evaluated on a bi-weekly basis and we will make revisions to our plans based both on the latest mandates from the state and local governments and on the current spread of the virus. 

Our plan does involve limiting the contact that our students will have outside of the campus environment. That being said, we are working to develop creative ways for our students to serve the off-campus community without risking COVID-19 spread in our campus community. 

Rosedale Bible College is striving to maintain community and educational excellence during the COVID-19 shutdown. Part of achieving those goals is ensuring that we are abiding by relevant local guidelines and providing useful information to our constituency. The Center for Disease Control Coronavirus Homepage The Ohio Department of Health COVID-19 Homepage
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Rosedale Bible College – Department of Education – CARES Act – Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Section 18004 Reporting Disclosure

  1. Rosedale Bible College signed and returned to the Department of Education the Certification and Agreement and the assurance that the institution has used, or intends to use, no less than 50 percent of the funds received under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act to provide Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students on April 23, 2020.
  2. RBC received $27,184 on May 5, 2020 to be distributed to students.
  3. As of June 6, 2020, RBC has distributed $19,998.31 to students via check and direct deposit.
  4. RBC has estimated that 59 students are eligible to participate in programs under Section 484 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and thus eligible to receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act.
  5. As of June 3, 2020, 40 students have received an Emergency Financial Aid Grant to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act.
  6. RBC is primarily a residential college. All on-campus students were required to move out of the dorm housing and the campus cafeteria was closed. RBC allocated the majority of this money to expenses that most of our students have such as food. We have estimated that students will have at least $475 in extra grocery expense from mid-March when students had to move out of the dorms. Students were also asked via email to submit any additional expenses they may have incurred as a result of the COVID-19 disruption. 

          Funds were awarded to students who were: 

               -Title IV eligible or would be eligible to receive Title IV funds

               -Living on campus and had to move out of the dorms

               -Were enrolled in classes half time or more

          Students who were or would be eligible to receive Title IV funds, but did not meet the criteria of half time or on campus were asked to submit any expenses they incurred to be considered on a case by case basis. 

          As of June 3, 2020, the average award to students was just under $500. 

     7. Students received a letter or email with the check or deposit stating that funds were to be used for basic living expenses and to reimburse themselves for COVID-19 related expenses that they had already incurred.

     8. 45 DAY UPDATE – As of September 4, there has been no change since the last report on July 21.

     9. As of June 30, 2021 RBC granted an additional $32,000 in student grants for a total of $56,948.31.

     10. As of September 30, 2021, no additional awards to students have been made.                                         

      11. As of December 31, 2021, RBC granted an additional $80,000 in student grants for a total of $136,948.31    

      12. As of March 31, 2022, no additional awards to students have been made.

      13. As of June 30, 2022, no additional awards to students have been made.

 14. As of September 30, 2022, no additional awards to students have been made.

15. As of December 31, 2022, no additional awards to students have been made.

16. As of March 31, 2023, no additional awards to students have been made.

17. As of June 30,  2023, no additional awards to students have been made.  

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