
Academic Course Information

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I. Biblical/Theological

   A. Biblical General

BGE 111
Biblical Literature I2.0 credit hours
Biblical Literature is a three-course overview of the Bible seeking to cultivate a faithful understanding of its relevance and content as the revelation of God to humanity. The surveys give attention to the historical, geographical and cultural background of the scriptures as well as the authorship, theme, structure and content of each book. Survey I Scope: Genesis – Song of Solomon
BGE 112
Biblical Literature II2.0 credit hours
Biblical Literature is a three-course overview of the Bible seeking to cultivate a faithful understanding of its relevance and content as the revelation of God to humanity. The surveys give attention to the historical, geographical and cultural background of the scriptures as well as the authorship, theme, structure and content of each book. Survey II Scope: Isaiah – John
BGE 113
Biblical Literature III2.0 credit hours
Biblical Literature is a three-course overview of the Bible seeking to cultivate a faithful understanding of its relevance and content as the revelation of God to humanity. The surveys give attention to the historical, geographical and cultural background of the scriptures as well as the authorship, theme, structure and content of each book. Survey III Scope: Acts – Revelation
BGE 210
Principles of Biblical Interpretation3.0 credit hours
This course is a study of the principles and procedures to be followed in gaining a correct understanding of the Scriptures. The use of the grammatical-historical method, in conjunction with an understanding of the unique distinctives of the different genres of biblical literature, will be promoted in approaching the interpretation of the Scriptures.

   B. Old Testament

BOT 131
Genesis3.0 credit hours
This “book of beginnings” is foundational for understanding the rest of Scripture. Genesis introduces most of the vital doctrines of the Bible and speaks to fundamental questions about the nature of God and his relationship with the universe, particularly with the humans in it. The covenant God makes with Abraham introduces an increasingly personal focus as the story moves through the lives of Isaac, Jacob, and finally, Joseph. This course seeks to read Genesis with respect both for its divine inspiration and its creation as a document in the Ancient Near East. Genesis has stimulated a wide range of interpretations, and students will be encouraged to critically examine the options within an evangelical perspective.
BOT 138
Psalms3.0 credit hours
The Psalms will be studied as primarily the prayers and aspirations of David and his companions which were later used in the worship of the people of Israel and compiled in a methodological fashion to form the present canonical Psalter. The theme of the books of the Psalter and their individual psalms will be examined for their relevance to the life of faith of the believer and the messianic hope.
BOT 140
Old Testament Poetry3.0 credit hours
As much as one third of the Old Testament, including Psalms, The Song, Lamentations, and many prophetic texts, is written in poetic form. In addition, poetry is often embedded in Old Testament prose. Understanding figurative language, imagery, and literary artistry will give students richer experiences when reading the Old Testament and in personal and corporate expressions of worship to God. Taught in workshop style, students in this course will actively engage with the powerful and beautiful poems of the Old Testament.
BOT 214
Old Testament Prophets3.0 credit hours
“The Lord roars from Zion” and other more subtle messages from God’s ancient spokesmen are reviewed with attention to current applications. Study the expressions of God’s covenant love combined with uncompromising judgment. Note the agreement of the prophets regarding the nature and desires of God despite intervening centuries and divergent personalities.

   C. New Testament

BNT 101
Synoptic Gospels & the Life of Christ3.0 credit hours
In this historical overview, the person of Christ becomes more vivid when studied against the religious, political, and social backdrop of his day. Focus is on the major events of Christ’s life and understanding the essence of his ministry and teaching. Special attention is given to the major theme of his preaching: the Kingdom of God.
BNT 121
General Epistles3.0 credit hours
The call of the General Epistles to hold fast to the faith despite difficulty, persecution, and false teaching of various types will be studied and its contemporary relevance considered. The life setting of each of the letters will be examined along with issues of authorship, occasion for writing, purpose for writing, basic thrust of the letter, detailed analysis of its contents, and contemporary relevance.
BNT 125
Prison & Pastoral Epistles3.0 credit hours
This course examines the mature understanding of the significance of Christ and the gospel, and the ministry of the church, reflected in the Prison and Pastoral Epistles. The life setting of each of the letters will be examined along with issues of authorship, occasion for writing, purpose for writing, basic thrust of the letter, detailed analysis of its contents, and contemporary relevance.
BNT 134
Gospel of John3.0 credit hours
Students will seek an in-depth, adult, academic, and functional knowledge of this gospel. Teaching will consist of presentations and guided discussions. Principles of sound Bible interpretation, history, context and theological issues will be under consideration. After the introductory classes, the course will proceed through the Gospel of John on a chapter by chapter basis.
BNT 135
Acts & the Early Church3.0 credit hours
The expansion of the church from Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria to the ends of the Roman world will be examined primarily in conjunction with the history of the early church portrayed in the book of Acts, but also from historical data gleaned in the epistles of the New Testament. The dynamics of growth of the N.T. church will be considered in conjunction with the geographical, cultural, and theological hurdles that had to be overcome in order to fulfi ll the command of Christ to make disciples of all nations.
BNT 137
I Corinthians3.0 credit hours
The purpose of this letter of Paul was to solve the problems and answer the questions that arose as the Corinthians sought to live together as God’s church in an evil setting. An exegetical study of the book will be incorporated with problem-solving techniques applicable today.
BNT 242
Romans3.0 credit hours
At the very heart of Christian thought and experience is the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. Romans is Paul’s most comprehensive presentation of that gospel, as well as a treatment of how it affects our inner lives and our relationships with others.
BNT 244
Hebrews3.0 credit hours
There are many fascinating features to the Book of Hebrews. Hebrews is of special interest to Anabaptists because it is foundational to our understanding of New Testament finality. It helps us understand the Old Testament in light of Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ in light of the Old Testament. Hebrews challenges us with many interpretative problems. It is also a book which poses historical issues that remain mysterious—authorship, audience, and provenance to name a few. Through the direct study of the scriptures, the use of a scholarly commentary, and the instructor’s help, students will have the opportunity to dig deeply into a book that can provide a lifetime of rewarding reflection for believers.
BNT 248
Revelation3.0 credit hours
The book of Revelation is seen by some outside of the church as “the most rabid outburst of vindictiveness in all recorded history.” By some within the church it is seen as a great puzzle to solve. We will read this book as a reminder of the spiritual battle the church always finds itself in and as a message of hope in the midst of that battle. With this as our goal, our study of John’s Revelation will place its emphasis on the text itself with two primary foci. First, what was the author’s original intent for his readers in the first century? Second, what can and does this book mean for the Christian church today?

   D. Theology

BTH 203
Contemporary Christianity3.0 credit hours
American Christianity in the late twentieth century employs a diverse set of labels: conservative, liberal, pentecostal, evangelical, fundamentalist, Anabaptist, charismatic, dispensationalist, etc. How does a modern Christian make sense of these? This course surveys the development of Christianity in the twentieth century including its history, theology, and current trends.
BTH 221
Christian Ethics3.0 credit hours
The study of right and wrong from a biblical, Christian perspective on three levels: the descriptive, the prescriptive, and the metaethical. This course consists of two studies: ethical systems and Christian ethics and topics. We will examine both Christian and non-Christian ethical systems to gain a philosophical understanding of theories. The student will also investigate a specific topic as a Christian ethicist.
BTH 223
Jesus & the Ethics of the Kingdom3.0 credit hours
What does it mean to be a “peace church”? This course examines a variety of answers which Mennonites currently are proposing. In the process it explores the biblical teachings of peace and nonresistance along with the related themes of justice and simplicity, with the purpose of promoting practical Christian alternatives to the violence and greed of human society.
BTH 230
Anabaptist History & Theology3.0 credit hours
Anabaptism is an expression of faith based on the New Testament which has a great contribution to make to the broader church. It is a living faith that is finding new expressions all over the world. This class will identify key dimensions of that faith and analyze how they are or are not working out in various contexts in North America and internationally, especially in and since the 20th century. Although we will look back at times, the chief concern of the course will be to evaluate how viable an Anabaptist approach is to faith in Christ in our times and places.
BTH 241
Core Christian Beliefs I3.0 credit hours
This course introduces students to the study of Christian doctrine, including surveys of theological method, the doctrine of revelation, the doctrine of God, the doctrine of creation, theological anthropology, and the doctrine of sin.
BTH 242
Core Christian Beliefs II3.0 credit hours
This course builds upon foundations laid in BTH 241 to examine the doctrine of Christ, the doctrine of salvation, the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, the doctrine of the church, and the Last Things. Although BTH 241 is not a prerequisite, it is recommended in preparation for BTH 242.
BTH 245
Christology3.0 credit hours
Christology is the branch of systematic theology that bears directly upon the person and work of Christ. This course will be divided between a study of the person of Christ (i.e. his deity, his humanity, and their relation) and the works of Christ (with emphasis on the atonement). Relevant historical voices will be engaged throughout, representing both exemplars and distortions of sound Christology. The practical importance of a sound Christology for gospel proclamation and Christian discipleship will be explored through focused conversations and guided reflections upon the life and work of the church.

   E. Apologetics

BAP 101
Christian Apologetics3.0 credit hours
Apologetics is an attempt to live out Peter’s exhortation, “to always be ready to make a defense…” (I Peter 3.15). Being ready involves preparation through study and careful thought about how to communicate the Gospel in contemporary contexts. This approach to apologetics not only equips students to communicate with others, but also helps build a sure foundation of Christian commitment in a faith that stands up to tough questions. Starting with the case for creation monotheism and working toward the case for the special revelation of Jesus Christ, students can learn how to appropriately explain and defend Christian faith.
BAP 210
Introduction to World Religions3.0 credit hours
This course will introduce and emphasize the major world religions other than Christianity: Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. The class will also study the idea of religion, smaller world religions, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons and Neo-Paganism’ Wicca. We will look briefl y at cults. The instructor’s goals are to portray these religions in a fair light, considering both positive and negative information, and to equip Christian students for the tasks of discernment and witness.

   F. Biblical Languages

VLA 105
Introduction to Biblical Languages3.0 credit hours
This is a class for students who want to study the scriptures deeply. The Bible was written mostly in Greek and Hebrew. Knowing even a little bit of either language can help a reader understand the scriptures much better by using advanced study tools. You will learn: the Greek and Hebrew alphabets, some very basic grammar in both languages, how to analyze passages linguistically, how to do responsible word and contextual studies, and about the actual texts and methods that translators use. You will be introduced to other study tools that scholars use to examine the scriptures objectively. By giving the big picture and good set of reasons to go on, this class is a great place for students who want to continue to study the Biblical languages.
VLA 201
New Testament Greek3.0 credit hours
Using the best aspects of both the inductive and deductive approaches to language learning, this course aims to acquaint the student with a working knowledge of koine Greek in order to read and understand the New Testament Scripture in its original form. The emphasis is on learning the most useful vocabulary and grammar first so that the student can quickly begin to read portions of the Greek New Testament and approach further exegetical work on a solid and informed basis.
Hebrew3.0 credit hours

II. General Education

   A. Communications

GCM 110
Composition3.0 credit hours
This course emphasizes the building blocks of effective writing and speaking. It reviews grammar and syntax, sentence and paragraph structure, and provides opportunity to practice with a variety of essays.
GCM 111
Creative Writing3.0 credit hours
This course will guide students through the creative writing process in two genres: fiction and creative nonfiction. Students will study and practice the elements of craft, examine stories and essays by established writers, and begin a portfolio of their own work. Prerequisite: GCM 110 or permission of instructor.
GCM 112
Public Speaking3.0 credit hours
Students will learn standard methods used in formal speaking in various situations, and practice for evaluation in seven areas of public speaking: introducing others, praying formally, publicly, proposal presentation, chairing meetings, oral interpretation/public reading, and a formal speech. One class is dedicated to impromptu speaking.

   B. History and Humanities

BTH 230
Anabaptism Today3.0 credit hours
Anabaptism is an expression of faith based on the New Testament which has a great contribution to make to the broader church. It is a living faith that is finding new expressions all over the world. This class will identify key dimensions of that faith and analyze how they are or are not working out in various contexts in North America and internationally, especially in and since the 20th century. Although we will look back at times, the chief concern of the course will be to evaluate how viable an Anabaptist approach is to faith in Christ in our times and places.
GHU 102
Introduction to Philosophy3.0 credit hours
This class takes a problems of philosophy rather than a history of philosophy approach to the subject. Students join the philosophical discussion right away by discussing the big issues: What is philosophy and what is its value; right and wrong; politics; the external world; science; the mind; and art. Along the way students will learn how major philosophers have thought about these issues. The class regards philosophy as a valuable and indispensible assistant for theology and Christian living.
GHU 111
History of Western Civilization3.0 credit hours
A survey of the cultural, social, intellectual, religious, and political factors which shaped the Western world, stressing both developments and continuities. Part I begins with the ancient world and ends about A.D. 1650.
GHU 202
Introduction to Dramatic Arts3.0 credit hours
God can use theatre arts in “dramatic” ways. We will briefly overview theatre history with a specific emphasis on the role the church has played in its development. Through lectures and hands-on independent and group projects, students will sample the dramatic process from script to stage in creative ways.
GHU 204
Directing for the Stage3.0 credit hours
The creative and administrative skills required for directing a stage production are useful for any leadership or ministry position. We will study a variety of staged productions in theatre and church settings and learn how to maximize their effectiveness from a director’s standpoint.
GHU 211
History of Christianity I3.0 credit hours
Search through the record of fifteen centuries to follow the remarkable growth of the Christian church from its Palestinian Jewish beginnings to a dynamic—and diverse—worldwide faith. Trace the development of early and medieval Christian thought on themes relevant today, including how the church should relate to human government and culture. Become acquainted with the lives and thoughts of a fascinating variety of individuals who have followed Jesus in times and places very different from our own.
GHU 212
History of Christianity II3.0 credit hours
Reformation to the Present A survey of the continuing development of the Christian church from the Reformation to the present. The growth of Protestantism. the Great Awakenings and the modern missionary movement are part of this study.
GHU 221
Introduction to Humanities3.0 credit hours
A survey of the visual arts, literature, music and drama of the western world. The course explores the relationship of the arts to the cultural, religious and philosophical thoughts of the period.
GHU 241
Introduction to Literature3.0 credit hours
This course will focus on how to read literature critically, with the goal of developing the ability to interpret and analyze narrative fiction, poetry and drama. Students will learn how to approach challenging works and articulate their own interpretations with some degree of confidence. The class will lay the groundwork for further study and will help enrich students’ reading experiences outside the classroom.

   C. Social Studies

GSS 103
Introduction to Sociology3.0 credit hours
In an attempt to understand a significant component of human experience, this course studies the interaction between individuals and society. How does a society develop its values? Who sets the standards for acceptable behavior? The course provides a survey of current social trends, an overview of sociological history and theories, and an evaluation of the impact on society of modern secularism.
GSS 104
Theology of Marriage & Human Sexuality3.0 credit hours
Current Western understandings of Christian marriage will be evaluated in light of a close reading of Scripture. Students will gain practical understandings of issues in modern family systems. Topics covered include: family structures, biblical principles of marriage, sexual ethics, singleness, church and family, parenting, and child training.
GSS 201
Introduction to Psychology3.0 credit hours
This psychology course is designed to provide a survey of modern scientific psychology and will include such topics as social behavior, human development, learning, motivation, abnormal psychology, approaches to recovery, and personality theories. This course will introduce a student to the discipline of psychology and prepare the student for more advanced studies in the discipline. Students will be encouraged to critically evaluate the theories and claims of psychology from a Biblical worldview.
GSS 202
Human Development3.0 credit hours
A study of the developing individual from the beginning of life through infancy, childhood, adolescence to death and dying. The course is designed to provide a foundation for understanding human personality, and attention is given to physical, intellectual, social, and cognitive development at each life stage in the context of a biblical perspective of human personality and development.

   D. Math & Sciences

GMS 105
Business Mathematics3.0 credit hours
A study in applying mathematical techniques to the home and business. Topics include single and chain discounts, price markups and markdowns, payroll calculations, simple and compound interest, promissory and discount notes, annuities and sinking funds, financial reports, present and future value calculations, depreciation methods, stocks and bonds and business statistics.
GMS 110
Computer Programming3.0 credit hours
An introduction to the exciting world of computer programming, this course will provide an understanding of how computers work, and how people write software to solve real-world problems. Topics include foundational programming concepts such as working with numbers, strings, loops, conditional structures, functions, objects, graphics, and files. Also covered are basic design practices, including top-down design, prototyping, and object-oriented code. This course will be useful to students interested in pursuing computer science, information technology, mathematics, engineering and other scientific/technical fields.
GMS 115
Introduction to Web Design3.0 credit hours
This course is an introduction to web site design and front end development using existing standards and web applications such as HTML5 and CSS3. Basic coding concepts, organization of files, site design, user experience and work with common web media types will be stressed.
GMS 131
College Algebra3.0 credit hours
Introduction to methods of algebraic analysis including inequalities, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, inverse and absolute value functions, and systems of equations. This course places an emphasis on the development of problem solving skills. Prerequisite: two years of high school algebra or permission of the instructor.
GMS 201
Statistics and Analysis3.0 credit hours
Competence in generating and comprehending statistics is a basic skill in many professions. This course is a study of descriptive and inferential statistics and probability. Topics include analysis of centers and variability of data, correlation, regression, methods of data collection, probability and probability distributions, t-tests, Chi-square tests, F-tests and ANOVA. Prerequisites: College Algebra or ACT Mathematics sub-score of 19 or higher, or SAT Mathematics sub-score of 530 or higher.

   E. Business

Business and the Kingdom of God3.0 credit hours
This course provides a context for students to lead in the marketplace for God’s glory. Students will explore how the principles of the Kingdom transform business enterprise—challenging profit as the primary motivation and replacing it with Kingdom-centered values and objectives. Students will think critically about interpersonal ministry in the marketplace, the relationship between business and the church, and ways that business can be a means of social blessing.
Principles of Microeconomics3.0 credit hours
This course helps students understand two sides of a market economy–the producer and consumer–and how they interact. Students will examine how consumers and producers make choices and what results those choices are likely to produce. Students will also learn about the benefits and limitations of free markets. Finally, students will evaluate economic theory in light of kingdom-centric ethics.
Principles of Accounting3.0 credit hours
This course will provide students with the ability to understand and communicate financial information. Students will be introduced to the concepts, problems and methods of financial and managerial accounting. Students will become proficient in reading, understanding and interpreting financial statements. Students will learn to apply sound financial decision making and will gain this knowledge through exercises and problem solving. A biblical worldview and appropriate business ethics will be applied throughout the course.
Introduction to Human Resources3.0 credit hours
This course provides an overview of the activities related to human resource administration and the role of human resource professionals in organizations. Topics include employment law, equal employment, job design, human resource planning, staffing (recruitment, selection, and placement), training and development, performance management, employee retention, employee relations, and compensation and benefits.
Principles of Marketing3.0 credit hours
In this course students will develop an understanding of the role of marketing in a small business environment. Topics include analyzing marketing procedures and decision making, the planning process, consumer behavior, advertising, and personal selling. The course incorporates recent developments in marketing to acquaint students with the current challenges, including the social, legal, ethical, and technological business environments.
Leadership, Communication, & Ethics3.0 credit hours
The purpose of this course is to help the students advance in their leadership journey and the incorporation of biblical principles and business practice. This course emphasizes significant leadership topics including communicating vision, listening, building relationships, setting the cultural tone, and sharing ownership with stakeholders. The course stresses the overriding importance of ethics and values in every leader‘s pursuit of success in competitive environments.

   F. Education

GED 101
Introduction to Education3.0 credit hours
A course designed to investigate educational theories and the individuals who constructed them along with a study of current issues in education and the Biblical principles students should consider as they formulate a personal educational philosophy. Also engages students in evaluating their potential for teaching.
GED 201
The Exceptional Student3.0 credit hours
Explores the theories, issues, and methods of educating children with diverse and special needs. Topics include historical and contemporary views of students with mental retardation, learning disabilities, emotional disturbance, sensory disorders, physical and health impairments, communication disorders, and intellectual gifts and talents.

   G. Foreign Language

GSP 101
Spanish I3.0 credit hours
An introduction to the study of Spanish with emphasis on listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This course is designed for students who have never studied Spanish.

III. Church/Vocational

   A. Discipleship and Spiritual Foundation

VSF 106
Spiritual Formation1.0 credit hours
This course will introduce the student to the dynamic of spiritual life and growth toward Christ-likeness. It will include a survey of several approaches to spiritual formation and personal life disciplines, a Scriptural overview of Christian identity and basic principles of spiritual warfare and holy living.
VSF 107
Spiritual Formation: Disciplines of the Christian Life3.0 credit hours
Students will be introduced to various spiritual disciplines including prayer, meditation, fasting, study, simplicity, solitude, service and worship. These topics will be discussed both in the classroom setting and in very practical ways, as students explore issues of faith and spiritual formation.
VSF 110
Spiritual Formation Seminar3.0 credit hours
A supervised program of personal development, accountability, and practical exploration of Christian spiritual disciplines. It involves weekly meetings in which the group decides on a spiritual discipline to study and practice for the week. After studying and practicing the discipline, the group meets again to discuss learning outcomes and practical life implementation. Open only to Bridge participants.

   B. Pastoral Studies

VPS 205
Pastoral Care & Counseling3.0 credit hours
VPS 214
Preaching the Biblical Text3.0 credit hours
The course will examine from a biblical perspective the central place and purpose of preaching in the ministry of the church, the challenges to the preaching ministry from contemporary culture, and the process involved in developing, constructing and delivering expository sermons.

   C. Counseling

VCL 212
Introduction to Counseling3.0 credit hours
Students will explore the basics of counseling theory and practice integrating psychological principles and a biblical worldview. The course is designed to help those interested in future counseling work as well as those who want to better show empathy to those around them.

   D. Missions

VMI 101
Introduction to Missions3.0 credit hours
A comprehensive introduction to international and cross-cultural Christian missions, with case studies from history and contemporary experience. Designed to produce a “world Christian” outlook, with a heart for the harvest and basic concepts for world evangelization.
VMI 111
Introduction to Evangelism3.0 credit hours
In this class we will study personal evangelism: one person sharing faith in Christ with an unbeliever. The course will consider issues ranging from soteriology to practical advice for sharing faith and leading men and women to Christ. Class time will involve lecture, guided discussion, and role play. We will also engage in personal evangelism by attempting to identify, study, pray for, and contact the unbelievers in your life. The class will pay special attention to hostile critiques of evangelism in order to learn to overcome invalid objections, but will also acknowledge legitimate criticism of evangelism and methods.
VMI 124
Engaging Contemporary Culture3.0 credit hours
This course examines the current challenges and practices of sharing the gospel in multicultural post-christian contexts. Students will learn to use frames from ethnography to observe, analyze and engage culture. It will also investigate current cultural trends and issues then consider biblical models to propose strategies to engage not-yet-believers with the gospel.
VMI 208
Community Transformation & Church Growth3.0 credit hours
A study of principles, procedures, and problems in discipling our local communities and integrating new believers into the local fellowship.
VMI 212
Introduction to Islam3.0 credit hours
This course will introduce the development of Islam and its impact in the world today. We will seek to understand Islamic faith and practice by studying both Christian and Muslim sources. We will explore various approaches in presenting the gospel to Muslims in a way that really is “good news.”
VMI 214
Language & Culture of Costa Rica3.0 credit hours
A three-week intensive taught in-country as part of the Costa Rica Cross-Cultural Term. Students are hosted in Costa Rican homes and participate in language study while exploring the history and culture of Costa Rica.
VMI 216
Cross-Cultural Experience3.0 credit hours
Cross-cultural courses are structured around immersive experience in a culture and region outside the United States. Students will be guided in developing inter-cultural sensitivity and find ways to share the Gospel and the love of Christ in culturally appropriate ways. They will also be challenged to recognize how significantly their views are culturally conditioned and to recognize God’s presence and work among the people of their host culture. A core objective is for students to increase their sense of identification with the global church.

   E. Music and Worship

VMU 100
Introduction to Music Theory & Sight Singing3.0 credit hours
A basic study in the theory and fundamentals of music with emphasis on sight reading and ear training. Introduction to the staff, key signature, simple/compound meter, melodic dictation, basic chord analysis, and keyboard harmony.
VMU 106
Choral Conducting1.5 credit hours
A study of basic choral conducting techniques, including conducting patterns, dynamics, score interpretation, audience communication, repertoire selection and program building.
VMU 107
Class Voice1.5 credit hours
A presentation of the basic components of singing, including breath control, tone color, diction and interpretation. The course includes in-class singing of selected songs chosen to help the student apply the concepts discussed.
VMU 132
Drama1.0 credit hours
This fi ve to eight member mixed team presents programs on one or more weekend and term break tours. Entrance to the group is by audition during the fi rst week of classes.
VMU 220
Worship in the Christian Tradition3.0 credit hours
An exploration of the continuing development of Christian worship from the time of the Old Testament through the early church to the present. We will trace the developments of worship through various streams of Christianity and discover how past worship methods affect the ways we worship today.
VMU 223
Worship Leadership3.0 credit hours
A study in the art of structuring and leading group worship times. This course examines forms and elements of worship, techniques for leading contemporary band rehearsals, recruiting and forming worship teams, sound & light systems setup and operation, and current issues and trends in worship. Students will have the opportunity to work with worship teams in a variety of campus worship experiences.
VMU 230
Rosedale Chorale1.0 credit hours
Chorale is a select, mixed choir with the purpose of blending worship and artistic discipline in a ministry of choral music. Students receive academic credit. Programs include several weekend trips and a week-long tour during the spring semester.
VMU 231
Salt & Light Co.0.0 credit hours
A mixed, folk ensemble that tours throughout the school year. Team members may receive academic credit.

   F. Youth Ministries

VYM 101
Introduction to Youth Ministries3.0 credit hours
This course explores theories of adolescent faith development, youth culture, and adolescent experience as a basis for ministry to youth. Students also investigate youth ministry philosophies, strategies, and programming models in the context of a believer’s church theology of children and youth.

   G. Training in Ministry (Online)

God’s Mission and His Church3.0 credit hours
This class helps students understand the fundamental purposes of the church, the validity of the local church, and the necessity of the collective church. It also helps establish the reason for which this ministry training program exists.
Congregational Counseling3.0 credit hours
Congregational Care3.0 credit hours
This course trains students in the fundamentals of caring for people who are hurt and/or seeking guidance through life stages, like home visitation, hospital visits, weddings, and funerals.
Congregational Gift Development3.0 credit hours
Students will discover tools and resources to help them to identify spiritual gifts among members of a local congregation, mobilize people for mission and ministry, and recruit, train, and support emerging leaders. This course will enable congregational leaders to develop lay leadership through teaching, modeling, and feedback.
Discipling Others3.0 credit hours
Spiritual Formation3.0 credit hours
This course introduces and trains students in the spiritual habits that have shaped the character and behavior of saints through church history. The goal of this course is to help students deepen a rich walk with God.
Leader Self Care3.0 credit hours
Students learn about self-care of the leader including boundaries, creation of a PCRC, Sabbath, and other activities that facilitate a healthier ministry.
Biblical Interpretation and Study3.0 credit hours
This course is designed to help students know how to faithfully read and understand Scripture.
Bible Survey3.0 credit hours
This course gives an overview of Scripture, helping students understand major themes, structure, and content.
Anabaptist History and Theology3.0 credit hours
Designed to help students to understand the Anabaptist movement theology, this course gives students the opportunity to evaluate Anabaptism against a Biblical understanding of life in Christ.
Church Administration3.0 credit hours
Students are taught to perform important leadership and administrative skills that facilitate more effective ministry.
Leading Change3.0 credit hours
Students learn through study and a major project how to lead a congregation through change.
Public Ministry Skills3.0 credit hours
Students learn and practice skills such as public speaking and preaching, teaching, and facilitating corporate worship.
Assimilation3.0 credit hours
Students learn to design and implement effective assimilation systems for newcomers to a local church. The course seeks to aid pastors and leaders in intentionally guiding first-time guests through the process of becoming long-time members.
Church Growth3.0 credit hours
This course shows the vital signs, essential principles, and necessary practices of a healthy growing church. Students will learn biblical models for growing a church, reaching the unchurched, and cultural influences that affect church growth.
Church Multiplication3.0 credit hours
Students will learn the key characteristics of a church planter and basic components, factors, and benefits of starting a new church. Students will learn the essential characteristics of a church planting vision and be able to form and implement a strategy.

IV. Adjunct Program

   A. Adjunct Program

ASP 121
Akwachink Leadership Schools3.0 credit hours
This three-week program is based in northern Ontario. A two-week canoe trip is built around spiritual and character development. A third week covers important aspects of native ministries such as demography, traditional native religion, spiritual warfare, and current Native American issues.
ASP 125
Venture1.0 credit hours
This is a two-week wilderness adventure in the Boundary Waters of Minnesota.

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Training in Ministry Distance Learning

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