We’re building… A new dorm
For training Kingdom workers and fostering renewal in the church
Why We Need a New Dorm
The new residence hall will replace the old men’s dorm with its significant structural flaws and will allow us to provide more space for our growing student body. Along with improving the student experience, these expanded facilities will increase our capacity to run a robust program of summer camps, trainings, and retreats.
Help Us Reach Our Goal
Total Amount Needed
Help Us Reach Our Goal
Total Amount Needed
What Your Gift Will Do
With $6 million, we can build a two-story residence hall to house 84 students (or guests) in comfortable two-person rooms. There will be three communal bathrooms and laundry facilities on each floor. The open foyer invites gatherings and conversation. Facilities will be handicap accessible.
Partner With Us in Preparing Kingdom Workers
Rosedale Bible College is an accredited two-year college with a residential campus in Irwin, Ohio. Our mission is to prepare Kingdom workers with a deep knowledge of God and His word. We foster an environment that honors the Bible as authoritative and cultivates a love for Christ and His church. We equip students to navigate a secular culture with an informed faith, calling all people to Christ through sacrificial witness and humble service. We are convinced that Rosedale’s unique combination of spiritual formation and academic rigor prepares young adults for a wide variety of callings in the church and broader community.
Student & Donor Testimonies
“I could write for hours about all I learned at RBC that influences how I live and love people every single day. It’s not in amazing-to-the-eye flashy kind of ways, but through faithful habits and beliefs that allow people to walk through a lifetime following Jesus through really beautiful seasons and also difficult ones.”
Rachel Maino (RBC ’19, BS Ohio State University ’22)
Career Specialist
“RBC helped me make my faith my own – preparing me to interact helpfully in the engineering world where I work at automating water treatment processes. I also love assisting at my local church in men’s ministry, preaching, and worship leading.”
Jevon Martin (RBC ’21, BS Penn State ’22)
Electrical Engineer
“We support Rosedale Bible College because we believe the college is providing an opportunity for young people to receive quality education at a place where there is also keen investment in their emotional health, spiritual and personal growth. Our broader, post-Christian society has plenty of opportunity to influence the theological development of our children. We love to see young people influenced to believe that God’s word is powerful and life-giving, and that the gospel message is true. RBC helps students learn how to speak God’s truth into a broken world. What’s not to love about that?!
We encourage others to support the dorm project because we see the opportunities for community living at Rosedale as a valuable part of the learning that occurs on campus. We appreciate the way RBC is preparing young people to be part of an authentic, nurturing Christian community.”
Dale & Phyllis Yoder
Financial Advisor/Retired School Nurse
You Can Help
for God’s provision and timing
Fundraising “dessert” with President Jeremy Miller; schedule with Sierra Eicher: seicher@rosedale.edu