There is mud everywhere. It’s mixed into the rocks leading back to the building site of the new dorm. It gets tracked across the once green yard and into other buildings. On top of that, it’s rainy, cold, and gray. We are “under construction” in the winter…and it shows; you feel it and it isn’t pretty.
But there is hope. Spring is coming and the building is rising.
I recently sat in on several training sessions explaining how to use artificial intelligence. It seems clear that technology has put our culture on the cusp of enormous change, but the waters are muddy indeed. Things don’t feel clear and clean and locating truth can feel extremely difficult. I am grateful for the person of Christ, the King, who is the Truth. I’m grateful for young people who are hopeful that the King will make a way for them to navigate the dramatic changes A.I. is bringing our world. While skies are gray, this is a season of hope for the people of God. He is doing a new thing, praise God!