Ken Miller (RBC Faculty) sits down with Mary Ann and her husband and business partner Laban (who also happens to be Ken’s brother) to talk more about their business, mission, and the purpose they find in their work.
Mary Ann Miller is a nurse turned entrepreneur. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from Eastern Mennonite College, before starting her nursing career in rehabilitation nursing focusing on Spinal Cord Rehab. During her early nursing career she married Laban D Miller and had a son, Laban Thomas. She spent the next phase of life homeschooling her son, who then introduced their family to the idea of starting a business. The first business was intended to be a part-time Italian Ice business that eventually grew into a full time family business for 10 years. The food business led to the beginning of a house cleaning business that is now in its ninth year, with 15 employees. Being an entrepreneur has stretched Mary Ann to visualize her lifetime mission of serving God and caring for the people that he places in her life.